Miercoles, 08 de Mayo de 2024

Universidad Complutense de Madrid :: NILS mobility project

Abel Extraordinary Chair - Profiles

Linda Wiechetek


Venue: Universidad del País Vasco, Spain.

From: April 12, 2010

to: July 17, 2010 


Linda Wiechetek is a PhD student at Tromso University, Department of language and linguistics, Norway. Her main research interests are Sámi language technology: Rule-based machine translation, and syntactic/semantic analysis within the Constraint Grammar framework

His project, together with Arantza Díaz de Ilarraz, consists of to development of Constraint Grammar in particular for morphologically complex languages.

About his work:

"Basque and Noth Sámi have to deal with problems connected to free word order and attachment ambiguities relying on case / postpositions. Developing the tools together and being able to discuss linguistic problmes will therefoe be very inspiring and make the work more efficient.
The cooperative work has as its goal to enrich the North Sámi and Basque GC with a semantic layer including both syntactic and semantic valency information, multiple valencies (alterations) and selection restrictions. Finding and adequate format for the valency information so that it can be accessed by Constraint Grammar rules is a central task. The information should subsequently be tested in Constraint Grammar rules with regard to their efficiency.

NILS mobility project
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas - Instituto de Matemática Interdisciplinar
Tel. +34913944385